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Here you can learn more about about the characters in the game Pixel Fight. They are all based off of the Board Member's Knights. Going from Solem's Ice Boy to Iate's Battle Drone, you can get the chance to know them all.

Woken up in a cold sweat. Rubble and debris cover his body. Muscles torn and bruised, his face covered with blemishes and scars. His mind runs blank on what has happened, and why he is there. He tries to think straight, but his head takes control. His mind feeds thoughts into his soul like a parasite and he becomes psychotic. His body is filled with pain and agony, but he can't do anything to help himself. His mind tells him to kill, and feast off the blood of others. He lives his life suffering more torture then you will ever feel. You ask who this man in pain is? You can just call him Rabid.

Trapped inside a condensed crystal, a mysterious boy was awoken by a giant earthquake, shattering every bit of the shards off of his body. He had mystical ice powers, freezing anyone in his way and shattering them on demand. Any dry place became absolute zero, and ice was formed wherever the boy walked. With his powers, and his dotted eyes, he is Solemnote, the Eskimo of Zero Degrees. Also, he likes buttercream sandwiches. He likes them a lot.

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He was originated from the deep depths of a volcano. When he was awoken he rose to the top of the molten rock and his hair burned the fiery power of a thousand suns. Inside him he knew it was his duty to do nothing else but eliminate all others. Thus he did, he pulled out his trusty flintlock and was ready for combat. He used his abilities he was given at the point of creation and with a snap of his fingers, turned his hair to a shade of brown. Whenever he got in to a sticky situation, his powers were there to help. From the time of his birth he was a solider that would stop at nothing to kill and not let anyone get in his way.

Learn More About The Characters



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